Wrestling with God


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service

Nov. 12, 2023

Title: Unveiling the Blessings of Wrestling with the Living God

 Concept: God is not just a concept or a placeholder we invent because we need a higher power like the capstone in a stone arch. The God of the Bible is living and active. He has living thoughts and we are in those thoughts. God is not just some unconscious “energy” or “force.” 

The English word “Word” is a 25-cent word, but the Greek word “Logos” and the Aramaic “Maltah” at the base of John 1:1 are five dollar words with much dynamic energy. 

Is God a static “Object” to be studied or a dynamic being who is engaging us?

Jacob wrestled with God. God is not just an inert vending machine. The very word “Israel” means “to wrestle/contend with God” 

Jesus wrestled with the Father at Gethsemane

What are the benefits of wrestling with God? 

  1. Transformation (new name: Israel)
  2. Resolving, rather than avoiding doubts
  3. Intimacy with God
  4. Self Discovery
  5. Blessing. Jacob was blessed